Ultra-Wide Fit|Scratch resistant = Protects your device from scratching caused by the hazards of everyday life.
Shock resistant = Keeps your device safe from your everyday fumbling, dropping and screen cracking.
Easy installation = So easy to install you can do it even if you’re all thumbs.
Longer lifespan
Incl. EasyAligner
Diamond strength - strongest = Diamond strength is a device’s best friend – and our absolute strongest glass.
Antibacterial = Proven to kill up to 99.99% of all common surface bacteria in accordance with ISO 22196 and JIS Z 2801.
Fingerprint resistant = Repels oil and water, reducing traces of fingerprints as well as dirt, disinfectant gel and hand lotion.

Салони во Скопје

Анхоч Дирекција
Главен магацин
Анхоч ГТЦ
Анхоч Бисер
Анхоч Веро Jumbo
Anhoch Discovery (Ramstore Mall)
Анхоч Чаир
Анхоч Премиум
Анхоч Action Capitol Mall
Анхоч Влае
Анхоч Diamond Mall

Салони низ Македонија

Анхоч Охрид
Анхоч РЕМ Центар Тетово
Анхоч Битола
Анхоч Велес
Анхоч Струмица
Анхоч Прилеп
Анхоч Гостивар
Анхоч Куманово
Анхоч Штип
Анхоч Струга