Virtual Reality Headset Oculus Quest 2 256GB w/ Two Controllers Gaming

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28.980,00 ден.
Oculus Quest 2 — Advanced All-In-One Virtual Reality Headset — 256 GB
Next-level Hardware - Make every move count with a blazing-fast processor and our highest-resolution display
All-In-One Gaming - With backward compatibility, you can explore new titles and old favorites in the expansive Quest content library
Immersive Entertainment - Get the best seat in the house to live concerts, groundbreaking films, exclusive events and more
Quest 2 requires your Facebook account to log in, making it easy to meet up with friends in VR and discover communities around the world
Easy Setup - Just open the box, set up with the smartphone app and jump into VR. No PC or console needed. Requires wireless internet access and the Oculus app (free download) to set up device
Premium Display - Catch every detail with a stunning display that features 50% more pixels than the original Quest
Ultimate Control - Redesigned Oculus Touch controllers transport your movements directly into VR with intuitive controls

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