AMAZING SOUND QUALITY: Perfect Stereo Sound Quality with Deep Bass, Superior Sound Profiles and Amplified Volume Capability
STUNNING BATTERY LIFE: 5 Hour Continuous Playtime and 30 Hour Total Playtime with 5 Additional Charges from the Charging Case. Charging Case is QI Wireless Charging Capable.
WATER RESISTANT: IPX4 Splashproof / Sweat / Water resistant - Perfect for Gym and other Light Moisture Activities
TOUCH CONTROLS: For easy and seamless navigation, playback, voice and music control.
VOICE CONTROL: Full Integration with Apple Siri and Google Assist for Voice Control

- True wireless stereo headphones with Qi wireless charging
- Automatic pairing
- Voice control / touch control
- Weatherproof IPX4
- Qi charging (charging tray not included)
- Bluetooth 5.1 (10 m range)
- 4.5 hours playback
- Charging case - The headset can be charged 4 times before the case needs to be charged
- Internal lithium polymer ion battery - Charging case 600mAh
- 1 x USB charging cable
- 1 x headphone (S / M / L)
- 1 x silicone neck strap

Size (cm) - 6 (length) x 2.5 (width) x 5 (height)
Weight (g) - 55

Салони во Скопје

Анхоч Дирекција
Главен магацин
Анхоч ГТЦ
Анхоч Бисер
Анхоч Веро Jumbo
Anhoch Discovery (Ramstore Mall)
Анхоч Чаир
Анхоч Премиум
Анхоч Action Capitol Mall
Анхоч Влае
Анхоч Diamond Mall

Салони низ Македонија

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Анхоч Битола
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Анхоч Струмица
Анхоч Прилеп
Анхоч Гостивар
Анхоч Куманово
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Анхоч Струга