Compatible with PS4, the wired Slim Pack Steelplay® controller allows you to play continuously on your console and customize your gaming experience to the maximum.

Thanks to the rear paddles, you can perform complex movements without lifting your thumbs from the joysticks.

Compatible with PS4, PS3 (Direct & X-input)
Wired controller for a continuous play
Dual vibration system
4 programmable rear paddles
Audio headphone output (3.5 mm jack)
3 m cable
Soft coating
Design with "metallic" effects
Ergonomic & comfortable handling

Салони во Скопје

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Анхоч Чаир
Анхоч Премиум
Анхоч Action Capitol Mall
Анхоч Влае
Анхоч Diamond Mall

Салони низ Македонија

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Анхоч Гостивар
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